This convenient LCD prototyping shield integrates two 16 pin headers for use with Hitachi HD44780 compatible LCD's.
Connections to a small speaker and push button are brought out to a header for easy prototyping.
This kit includes the components necessary to build the LCD shield, except for the LCD. Any Hitachi HD44780 compatible LCD can be used as long as the header pins are in a single row. Soldering is required.
Convenient prototyping space is provided for mounting of chips, LEDs, connectors, etc.
- 16 Pin HD44780 compatible LCD Header (14 data + 2 backlight pins)
- Also works with 14 pin LCD's that do not have a backlight.
- Upper and lower header for your choice of mouunting options.
- Uses standard Arduino LCD Library in 4 bit mode
- On-board speaker and pushbutton included.
- 8 and 6 pin shield extender headers included.
- Reset button included
LCD Module not included. Check out our Displays section for compatible LCD's.
For information about Arduino and the programming environment, please check out the official Arduino site:
Assemby Instructions, User Manual and Demo Files
2.6 x 2.3 x 0.6 inches tall.
LCD Shield Kit, unassembled.
LCD Shield, top view.
LCD Shield, shown with LCD on bottom header and protoboard. LCD and protoboard not included.